Dear Readers,
At Emergent Success, it is our desire to provide you support during these challenging times– both professionally and personally. As we go about co-creating new ways to reimagine our lives, it occurred to us that another way we might be helpful is to offer a Question and Answer column in our newsletter.
You can submit your question, either by name or anonymously, to our team member, Audrey Nave, at: anave@emergentsuccess.com and we will respond in upcoming newsletters.
As we reimagine our future together, it is comforting to realize that we do not have to know everything ourselves. One of the gifts of community is the opportunity to tap collective wisdom. Questions will arise, and we are here to offer insights and support.
We look forward to hearing your questions and welcome your comments! Thank you for subscribing.
Stay safe and healthy,
Kevin Buck
Founder & President
P.S. Some questions you may have during this time of great change.
• How do I keep my team motivated and on purpose while working remotely?
• How do I improve communication and collaboration going forward?
• Any insight as to how we can encourage employees to return to work when they are concerned for their safety?
• What are your thoughts on ways to manage the stress, concern and unrest in the country/world today?