Interested in Collaborating for a Change?
By Kevin Buck, Emergent Success ~ President and Founder Welcome to 2021! And in the spirit of change, we have reworked our website for Emergent Success.
We invite you to take a look around. Our desired outcome was an aesthetically designed site with a more specific focus on resources, including upcoming podcasts. Our new focus on Transformational Leadership Coaching highlights a more integrated and evolving view that sees leadership as an emergent property of collaborative behaviors between people who co-create the optimal conditions for their success to emerge. Transformational Leadership Coaching embraces this emergent quality of leadership through the three essential elements of our Reflective. Collaborative. Transformative. ® System, which are themselves distinct and always in relationship with one another. If 2020 taught us anything, it is that interconnectedness, whether it is acknowledged or not, allows us to thrive in any given relationship and/or ecosystem. I appreciate the connection that we share and look forward to a new year of co-creation.
With deep gratitude, Kevin